Blog Posts

Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, has endorsed plans to use human stem cells and tissues to develop personalised medical research. He

The National Muscle Disease Bio-databank, co-led by Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Monash University and Alfred Health, will advance research into understanding why children develop genetic

Here is your monthly curated pick of biobanking news, jobs, and events from across the globe. We hope you will find this enriching and valuable.

Having received a seven-year, $51 million grant from the National Institutes of Health, biomedical scientists at Vanderbilt University Medical Center are launching a research platform

Biobanks are vital research infrastructures aiming to collect, process, store, and distribute biological specimens along with associated data in an organized and governed manner. Exploiting

Plasmodium vivax is the second most prevalent cause of malaria yet remains challenging to study due to the lack of a continuous in vitro culture

As part of VA’s effort to combat emerging diseases, the VA Office of Research and Development (ORD) has established a central biospecimen bank and data

Australian National University researchers have established Canberra’s first Brain Cancer Biobank with their ACT Health Research Innovation Fund grant. Canberra Brain Cancer Collaborative, headed by

The Marche Biobank project co-financed by the Marche Region and by a partnership of Marche Universities and companies successfully celebrated one of the most significant

Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common birth defect affecting ∼3,000 babies in Australia each year. The cause of most CHD is unknown and