Website DanaFarber Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- Evaluating and tracking the eligibility of all patients seen in the clinic for inclusion in various studies
- Responsible for consenting eligible patients in clinic.
- Administration of patient questionnaires in clinic and electronically.
- Reviewing and abstracting the medical records for patients. Entering the clinical data into the Clinical Research Information Systems (CRIS) and other REDCap databases.
- Accessing patient demographic and clinical information from the clinical systems. Entering information into the database.
- Assist principal investigators and staff in the creation of data reports for quality assurance measures and project specific needs.
- Request tissue and medical records for various research needs.
- Coordinates the collection, processing, organization, and storage of biological specimens including maintenance of electronic specimen tracking systems caTissue and laboratory binders.
To apply for this job please visit careers.dana-farber.org.